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Virtual Sessions: 50 mins


Hours:  Monday & Wednesday

                 10:15 am - 5:30 pm


                  1:00 am - 5:30 pm


Fees:  $105.00 per session 

                  includes GST

EMDR Therapy

Do you feel unsettled, unhappy or dissatisfied with your life?  Perhaps something just doesn't feel right, and you can't put your finger on it.  Or maybe you can identify what needs to change but have difficulty making the change happen.  Many people struggle with feelings of malcontent and don't know why or how to fix it.  Counselling can be effective in understanding and alleviating pain and suffering. 


Even if you are not facing a crisis, counselling can be a part of a holistic wellness plan that can include refining intimate and family relationshps, turning life transitions into seasons of discovery. In this case coaching can be a welcome compliment to the counselling process. 


Bonnie works collaboratively along side her clients building a foundation of connection and trust. She understands that counselling is a highly personal experience and as such, offers a compassionate, non-judgemental and safe environment.










As a certified EMDR therapist Bonnie can work with you to help alleviate the symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), disordered eating and body image concerns, disturbing memories of current and past events, addictions, anxiety, phobias, trauma due to motor vehicle accidents and complicated grief.


What is EMDR and how does it work. For a thorough explaination check out emdrcanada. Essentially Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a treatment approach that works to reduce or eliminate disturbing sypmptoms allowing a new sense of wellbeing,  where we no longer experience the recurring and unsettling thoughts, sensations, images, smells and or sounds of previous experiences. Instead these intrusive symptoms become a mere memory and current day to day interactions are less likely to inadvertenly trigger these unsettlingly memories and reactions. 


If you think EMDR is a treatment modality that might work for you we can discuss a treatment plan.


Trauma-Informed Yoga

Do you feel you are often physically, emotionally and cognitively hijacked? If so then maybe a trauma informed yoga class will help you to calm your central nervous system.

Through simple yoga and mindfulness practices students learn straight forward self-regulation techniques.  These practises aid in building capacity for confidence, calming and feeling at home in our body. Supporting better management of stress, trauma, addictions, depression and anxiety.

These classes emphasize safety, making choice, taking effective action and moving towards embodiment of self, beginning to feel at home in our body.

These workshops are hosted on a regular basis through Harmony Yoga Center. 

For a current schedule check out  Harmony Yoga  or call them at 250-597-1919 or call Bonnie directly at 250-748-7776.


Practise Areas
  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Addictions specializing in problem gambling

  • Relationship & Marriage 

  • Trauma

  • ​Life Transitons

  • Coaching

  • Anger Management

  • Stress Management

  • PTSD 

  • Disordered Eating

  • Body Image

  • Loss & Grief

  • Impulse Control



A Trauma-Informed Series 

For schedule updates check Harmony Yoga

Through simple yoga and mindfulness practices, student learn straightforward self-regulation techniques, practices that aid in building capacity for confidence, calming and feeling at home in our bodies. Supporting better management of stress, trauma, addictions, depression and anxiety.

Join Bonnie Williamson, yoga teacher and clinical counsellor in this trauma-informed series of classes emphasizing safety, choice-making and embodiment of self. There will be no hands on assists in these classes. Beginners are welcome.




Mondays online through Harmony Yoga Duncan 7:00 ~ 7:45 pm



In this 45 minute class, we will begin with a short talk relevant to mindfulness practice and then move into a 25-30 minute guided meditation.


Meditation is a process of learning to be in the present moment cultivating an acceptance of self, letting go of tension, and tuning into our own ability to relax and work towards balance. It enhances well-being and provides tools for coping with life’s challenges. The benefits of meditation include strengthening the immune system, improving concentration, and easing pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and stress.

                           To sign up for this Virtual class contact Harmony Yoga

© 2016 by Bonnie Williamson. Photographs by  Bonnie Williamson 

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